It’s possible to figure out your clothing budget even if you don’t have any right now. Every person’s budget differs depending on the income, the number of family members, and where you live. However, a lot depends on your shopping habits as well. For example, someone who strictly follows a capsule wardrobe each season is more likely to spend less over time than someone who enjoys regularly adding new items to their wardrobe.

Here is how to fashion shop on a budget, whether you want to shop every month or day.

The 5% rule

Clothing should account for 5% of your monthly budget. Multiply your monthly take-home pay by 0.05 to get the exact dollar amount you should be spending. So, if your monthly take-home pay is $4,000, you should budget $200 for clothing you can use to purchase fashion clothes in the Fashion trends 2021. There is … Read the rest

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